1-2-1 OR GROUP

Unlock your potential with our personalised
training programs designed just for you,
in the gym or online.

Individualised program

If you have any chronic health conditions, injuries or training goals (running a marathon, for example) a trainer will work with you and your health care provider to plan a safe, efficient program that considers these needs and enables you to reach your he


One of the main reasons people benefit from a HoneGym personal trainer is that they have lost motivation to stick with a consistent exercise program. HoneGym personal trainers can provide structure and accountability, and help you develop a lifestyle that encourages health.


HoneGym Personal Trainers help you focus on results and stop wasting your time doing inefficient workouts. A HoneGym personal trainer has a plan and will help you get maximum results in minimum time.

Improve technical skills

If you play a particular sport, a HoneGym personal trainer will help you improve your skill by showing you new training techniques specific to your sport. A HoneGym Trainer will incorporate skills training into your program so you improve not only your strength and endurance, but your agility and mental focus as well.

Workout Safely

A HoneGym personal trainer watches your form, monitors your vitals and can provide objective feedback about your limits and strengths. Most of us tend to ignore some of the subtle signals our body provides. We either push through pain or give up too soon. Because a HoneGym personal trainer can watch what you are doing while you are doing it, they can help push you or slow you down as necessary.

You are new to exercise

If you are an absolute beginner, a HoneGym personal trainer is the ultimate fitness coach. A HoneGym trainer will introduce you to a very simple, effective routine and build efficiently so before you know it, you have the confidence and knowledge to decide what is right for you.

Break through plateaus

Ok, you are already in pretty decent shape, but you’ve been there for years. If you are stuck in the same routine and want to break out of a rut, a HoneGym personal trainer is the perfect solution. A HoneGym trainer will jump start, not only your motivation, but your routine as well.

Learn how to go it alone

If you ultimately want to learn all the facets of designing your own routines so you don’t need to use a personal trainer, going for a few months may be all you need. All HoneGym personal trainers can teach you the basics of building and modifying a fitness program to achieve maximum results.

Lose Weight

There is a good reason that the number one reason people hire personal trainers is to lose weight and get into shape — it works. If you made a resolution to lose the fat and build the muscle, a HoneGym trainer can keep you on track and help you realize that goal.

Chris Hone

Personal Fitness Expert

Chris has been into all aspects of fitness most of his life, especially sports such as martial arts. He has been helping people with their health and fitness for over 20 years so boasts plenty of hands on experience.


Chris comes highly qualified with a NVQ 2 and NVQ 3 amongst his many certificates and will use all his wisdom and education to help improve your health, fitness, self confidence and all round general well being.
Specialties include:
Core stability and posture correction, strength and conditioning training, sports specific, TRX, Boxercise and not to mention qualified to do full health checks and screenings.

Stuart Whittaker

Personal Trainer

Stuart is personable, adaptive and positive and puts clients at ease striving to make training sessions the most satisfying part of their day. Results driven and incorporating the most current science based methods , he works with a variety of athletes from specialist through to recreational.

Stuarts qualifications include:

L4 strength and conditioning.
L3 Personal training.
L2 British weightlifting coaching.

As well as:

Corrective exercise; programming; performance enhancement and nutrition specializations.

Mark Turton

Personal Trainer

Hi Im Mark Turton surrey based personal trainer & Exercise Coach. My goal is to get you in the best shape of your life as well as working to improving your nutrition & lifestyle and to work on your strength and mobility to help you feel the best you have ever felt!!
The great thing about me is that i travel to you or i can also offer my services at the Hone Gym i bring my knowledge and enthusiasm to each session.
My workouts are designed to be fun to always keep you motivated
Im a strong believer that NOT one diet fits all, we never do the same workouts more than once so not only does this keep you motivated but also shocks your body into getting fantastic results whether its to drop a dress size or to just get fit look good, or you may have a specific goal to aim for.

I offer free online consultation and can also offer this at the Hone gym where you can ask me all the questions and i also offer a free posture and taster session with me.